Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
Nammo Lord Original Master of Sakyamuni Buddha
Nhân dịp đi hoằng pháp tại Chùa Phổ Quang tiểu bang Utah. Ban Quản Trị Chùa giới thiệu đôi nét về Thầy Trừng Sỹ trước khi nói pháp thoại với cộng đồng người Phật tử ở đây. (Ngày 14 tháng 1 năm 2012)
On the occasion of going to preach the Dharma at Phổ Quang Temple in Utah State, the Temple Board introduces brief background to Ven. Thích Trừng Sy before delivering the Dharma talk to the Community Buddhists there. (Jan. 14, 2012)
Please click to watch the movie slideshow of "Happy Spring" and "Flower of Compassion"
Kính mời qúy vị xem movie đoạn trích về Đức Di Lặc trong bài "Xuân Từ Bi" của Thích Trừng Sỹ.
(Please click to watch the movie of some sentences from "The Compassionate Spring" by Ven. Thich Trung Sy)
On occasion of the Spring of the Dragon Year – 2012, on behalf of the Editorial Board of the Dhammacakkhu's homepage, we would like to offer our best wishes to Monastic and lay people, Buddhists and non-Buddhists along with their relatives and beloved ones that dwell in steadiness and instill the light of the World-Honored One’s loving-kindness, compassion and wisdom, and enjoy the Spring of warm and perfect Maitreya together.
Ven. Thich Trung Sy
Những câu và đoạn văn được trích dẫn từ các bài viết về Xuân củaThích Trừng Sỹ.
(Sentences and paragraphs quoted from Thich Trung Sy’s Writings about Spring)
(Xin bấm vào xem movie slideshow )
(Click to watch the movie slideshow)
Nam Mô Bổn Sư Thích Ca Mâu Ni Phật
Trang nhà xin giới thiệu hình ảnh phóng sự Thầy Thích Trừng Sỹ trong chương trình "Món Quà Từ Tâm" của Chùa Phổ Quang thành phố Salt Lake, tiểu bang Utah ngày 14 tháng 1-2012.
We would like to introduce Ven. Thich Trung Sy attended
"Compassion Gifts"and preached at
Phổ Quang Temple-Vietnamese Unified Buddhist Association, Utah
(Please click to watch the slideshow)
Enlightenment is derived from Dharma practice.
Steadiness and relaxation are derived from Dharma practice.
Peaceful joy and happiness are alsoderived from Dharma practice.
Through Dharma practice, we have enoughof the substances.
According to Mahayana Buddhism tradition, the eighth of lunar December, about the end of common calendar December, is the Bodhi Day of Sakyamuni Buddha.
To commemorate the light of His enlightenment, we vow to light up the torch of the Dharma together by dwelling deeply in Dharma learning, Dharma understanding, Dharma practice and Dharma peace.
南 無 本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛
By Ven. Thich Trung Sy
By Ven. Thich Trung Sy
“Several tens of years before, we would not have been born yet,
Several tens of years after, we were born and will die.
Our lives only exist on earth in a limited time,
But our compassionate hearts are kept forever in everyone's minds."
On the occasion of Happy New Year, I would like to wish you, your beloved ones and relatives in your families to be well and happy, and to dwell steadily in the Compassion and Wisdom Hearts so as to bring peaceful joy and well-being to the many all over the planet.
By Ven. Thich Trung SyNammo Lord Original Master of Sakyamuni Buddha
With right and understanding visions, we have good conditions to learn, to understand, and to discriminate what the Dharmā (teachings) are and what the non-Dharmā (non-teachings) are.
The Dharmā means right view, right thinking, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration (the Noble/Peaceful EightfoldPath).
The non-Dharmā means wrong view, wrong thinking, wrong speech, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong effort, wrong mindfulness and wrong concentration (the Unnoble/ Unpeaceful EightfoldPath).
As well-educated practitioners, with our minds of great hero, great power, great compassion, and great wisdom, we can practice and apply the World-Honored One’s Dharmā in our daily lives so as to bring peace and happiness to the many, and at the same time, we can strongly recognize, contact, and give up the non-Dharma.
On the occasion of Merry Christmas, may you and your loved ones and relatives in your families be joyful and happy.
By Ven. Thich Trung Sy
(Kính mời qúy vị bấm vào xem Thầy Thích Trừng Sỹ nói về ngày Thành Đạo bằng tiếng Anh)
(Please click to see the movie of The Dharma talk about Englightment Day by Ven. Thich Trung Sy)
(Click to watch this movie "Brief history of Lord Sakyamuni Buddha" with reaing voice in Vietnamese and English)
We Would like to introduce the Buddhist essay of Sakya Buddha Memorial Day(Please click here to read)
We Would like to offer more Buddhist songs about praising of Sakyamuni Buddha Memorial Enlightenment Day (8-12 Lunar calendar)
May you all have peace and happiness in mind and body! (Please click here to watch)
南無佛陀. 善哉! 善哉! 善哉!. Namo Buddhaya! Well-done! Well-done! Well-done!
On occasion of Thanksgiving Ceremony, compassionate energies originated from our loving and understanding hearts are transmitted to human things and beings on the planet peacefully and happily by doing good, saying good, and thinking of good for others and for ourselves right here and right now in this life.
Thich Trung Sy
(If you would like to see all pages of Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ directly, please click here- PHÁP NHÃN TU HỌC (DHAMMA CAKKHU)
Ban Biên Tập Trang nhà Pháp Nhãn Kính Mời Qúy Vị xem thêm bài viết về ngày vía Đức Phật A Di Đà (bấm vào đây để xem). We Would like to introduce the Buddhist essay of Amitabha Buddha Memorial Day(Please click here to read)
We would like to introduce Buddhist music page of Pháp Nhãn.

Trang Flash Movies của Thích Trừng Sỹ (Website of Thich Trung Sy's flash movies)

Trang hình Thích Trừng Sỹ (Website of Thich Trung Sy)

(We would like to introduce to you this page of flash banners of Dhamma Cakkhu website. If you click into the banner which will be a link to Ven. Thich Trung Sy's writings)
Ban Biên Tập xin giới thiệu với quý vị trang hình flash banners.
Đây là những banners của trang Pháp Nhãn, qúy vị bấm vào các hình flash này sẽ là đường dẫn đến các trang bài viết của Thích Trừng Sỹ
Trang web phapnhan:
Webpage of "The Light of Enlightenment through Bodhisattva Siddhārtha’s vision"
Webpage of "The Buddha – the Embodiment of Peace":
Webpage of "Tiểu Sử Chùa Linh Nghĩa":
Webpage of "Tiểu Sử Hoà Thượng Thích Như Tịnh":
Webpage of "Lễ Đặt Đá":
Webpage of Vu Lan "Lễ Tạ Ân Sư và Cha Mẹ":
Trang web Xuân - Website of "Spring":
Webpage of "Xuân Từ Bi":
Website of "The Happy Spring":

Webpage of: "Looking at the Spring through the Contemplative Eyes
Website of Pháp Thoại Phiên Tả (Dharma Transcription)-Vô Thường-Impermanence:
Website of Pháp Thoại Phiên Tả(Dharma Transcription)- Vua Asoka:
Web of Pháp Thoại Phiên Tả(Dharma Transcription)
Ba Bữa Ăn Cúng Dường Đáng Nhớ Cho Đức Thế Tôn
Three noteworthy meals offered to the Buddha
Trang Web Pháp Thoại Phiên Tả(Dharma Transcription)
Thầy Trừng Sỹ giảng pháp tại Chùa Hoa Nghiêm với tựa đề Giữ gìn hạt giống Tam Bảo -Ven. Trừng Sỹ preached the Dharma at Hoa Nghiêm Pagoda with the topic of keeping the seeds of Triple Gem.
Trang Web Pháp Thoại Phiên Tả(Dharma Transcription)
Thích Trừng Sỹ giảng ý nghĩa và nguồn gốc của Kinh Dược Sư.
Ven. Thich Trung Sy preaches the meanings and originality of the Medicine Sutra.
Ven. Thich Trung Sy preaches the meanings and originality of the Medicine Sutra.
Trang Pháp Âm - Webpage of Dharma Sound by Ven Thich Trung Sy:
Trang Thiền Ca - WEbpage of Zen Songs -by Ven Thich Trung Sy
Trang Thư Bạn Đọc - Webpage of "Letter's Readers" about Ven Thich Trung Sy's writings:
Trang Thơ - Webpage of Poems from and about Ven Thich Trung Sy's writings
Trang Hình - Webpage of pictures about Ven Thich Trung Sy